FC Zlín
From the 2024/2025 season, we are the general partner of the football club FC Zlín.
At PSG we like active family life and sport. We are happy when we see that people play sports and make full use of their free time. As a major company we want to lead by example, which is why we support several projects and activities that represent our ideas, give us meaning and that we really care about.
At PSG we like active family life and sport. We are happy when we see that people play sports and make full use of their free time. As a major company we want to lead by example, which is why we support several projects and activities that represent our ideas, give us meaning and that we really care about.
From the 2024/2025 season, we are the general partner of the football club FC Zlín.
Aleš Loprais is a Czech rally raid truck driver. Loprais has been frequent participant of the Dakar Rally.
We are the Business Partner of the extra-league hockey club HC Kometa Brno.
We are one of the main partners of the talented rally driver Dominik Stříteský, who comes from the Zlín region and is fighting for the top ranks of the MČR in the rally.
We have been long-term supporters of the organization Srdce na pravém místě, which helps disabled children and their families. Together, we organize sports-charity challenges in which our employees also participate.
From the 2022/2023 season, we are a partner of the football club FC Baník Ostrava, which plays in the highest Czech football league.
We have established a partnership with a family music festival held in the beautiful surroundings of the gardens of Holešov Castle.
We are the general partner of the new ultratrail race Otrokovická Stovka, which takes place on the first weekend of May and leads participants through the beautiful Chřiby Mountains.
The floorball club PSG Panthers Otrokovice plays in the highest Czech floorball competition. We are the club's general partner from the 2022/23 season.
We are the main partner of cycling team PSG Mechanix from Chropyně.